About us

We are ambassadors, instruments of Divine Providence, and our aim is to give hope and help.

We are a small “hand” of hope, that since 1837 has never stopped spreading the seeds of charity in the field where PROVIDENCE called us to work after the ploughing. Indeed, charity is the heart of our Divine Grace and Saint Luigi Scrosoppi left us this present  to be offered to the entire Church. We are walking in this providential path, in a simple but also renewed way. The Congregation of the Sisters of Providence was founded in 1837 by Saint Luigi Scrosoppi, a Friulian-born priest who completely belonged to God and was completely devoted to others. Caring for poor dates back to those times when Italy was experiencing a great deal of suffering: the Grace conveyed by the founder taught both us and many lay people to look upon every face with God’s tenderness, so that CHARITY becomes welcome, care, attention, help and consolation. And you who are reading this, listen: maybe PROVIDENCE will come to your heart as well!

Charity never stops and throughout history our Congregation got beyond the Italian borders towards foreign countries. Charity’s Grace has found fertile ground to be at the service of every poor. Today our mission is carried out in Europe (Italy, Romania, Moldova), in Africa (Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, South Africa), in South America (Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina), in Asia (India, Myanmar, Thailand). PROVIDENCE is open-hearted, it has no limits in its actions, It gives to all of us (sisters and lay people) a listening heart and it makes us a “unified force” that is able to give life in order to improve pace and strength for our beating heart.

Our main service is dedicated to education and health care. Our focus is children, abandoned people, women in difficulty and families. It is for these people that we willingly engage ourselves, we help, we offer an education and an instruction in order to build a better future. We assist them and our life is devoted to caring for the sick, especially the poorest ones: elder people, abandoned, undernourished children, people affected by AIDS, leprosy or Buruli ulcer and all those people living in isolated and remote villages who need medical assistance. HOPE and CONSOLATION are the keywords for our simple and steady service we carry out in our every day routine.

La nostra storia, fin dalle sue origini, è stata scritta con la penna della carità, cuore pulsante di ogni sua tappa. Oggi questa storia non è meno bella! Il cammino arduo e serio viene lenito da tutti coloro che vogliono mettersi a fianco della PROVVIDENZA per condividere con Lei le sue sfide e dare continuità alla nostra missione di carità. È necessario quindi, promuovere e sostenere alcuni progetti educativi, sociali e sanitari a favore di giovani in difficoltà, permettendo loro di acquisire così professionalità e autonomia.

What an amazing thing to count on every little or big generosity ‘s drop, that forms an ocean of charity.

Join and help us, if you can: your support is essential! Donate your precious drop. Thank you!