Necessity challenges the charism: concrete help for the girls of Bengal

Our home is always their home: an aid project for street children.

Always listening to the great needs of the city of Kolkata where great poverty reigns at all levels, we wanted to start a service for even more vulnerable young women in Kidderpur, in the center of Kolkata: street girls.

By creating friendship ... "HOME" is built

For some time we have grasped the complexity of the situation in Kolkata and the exploitation that the girls undergo for which we went to the stations, along the railways and under the bridges to meet the children and create friendship and trust with them, gathering them for a little school in some corner of the stations or under the bridge where many now had their huts. They are a means of subsistence for families through a few alms and petty thefts.

A better place than the street "The house of Providence"


With constancy and patience we also see scholastic results although we feel how difficult and tiring it is to accompany those who have always had the road as their home in life. The grace of God and the constant and loving commitment of the sisters over time bear fruit, especially when little girls concretely perceive that they are loved.
Strengthened by our trust in Providence, we want to continue this mission by welcoming an increasingly important number of girls.